
Destination Assessment

DMOproz performs hands-on Destination Assessments for select clients and communities. Our field-tested Assessment Team will secret-shop your destination as first-time visitors to identify strengths, challenges and synergistic connectivity and destination opportunities. We bring an outside “visitor” eye to the process, recording our first impressions of destination attractions, facilities, retail, culinary, connectivity, infrastructure, services, signage, and ambiance from a non-resident perspective. We’ll also analyze the inventory and configuration of assets to assess any opportunities to mine the leisure, meetings, events and sports markets. 

At the conclusion of our time in-market, the DMO can move ahead with our recommendations, advocating for destination-enhancing development. In some instances, we have continued on, facilitating community focus groups to vet our findings and recommendations with community leaders, resulting in a Community Vision Plan. Every process is designed to meet the unique needs of each community. And, we look forward to discussing your destination’s future. Simply call or email us.