
Z-News Archives

Since launching the firm that was to become DMOProz in 1995, Bill Geist has been opining on the state of Destination Marketing. Beginning with print newsletters, the digital Z-News was the next logical step. Subscribe here…and check out past editions from the last couple years, archived below. Simply click on the title and another tab will open to view it in its entirety.

Appointed Boards - Jan 2025

It sounds so appropriate and reasonable on the surface.
The rationale goes like this: the entity(ies) investing the cash to power a community’s Destination Marketing Organization should have the right to specify the individuals that will sit on their Board of Directors. After all, we hear elected officials so often say, “it’s our money. You want it? We get to appoint the Board to ‘watch over’ the expenditures of these funds. It is our duty to protect the interests of the taxpayers.”
Except, it rarely works out well.


There have been some really sensational events, occurrences and movements of late for which we couldn't be more elated, proud and thrilled. Fred Dixon moving to Brand USA…and Julie Coker succeeding him in the big Apple. Longtime friend and client Mary Patchin ascending in Chicago Southland. And Brett Oetting heading to Visit KC…just to name a few from the past couple months.


As the famous proverb goes, one cannot know another’s reality unless one walks a mile in their shoes. Home Depot recently took that concept to heart, announcing that senior management will be required to work a full-shift on the floor at a Home Depot location once a quarter in order to get a more nuanced understanding of what their employees are facing and what the consumer is demanding.

In a language they understand - OCT 2024

Call us political nerds…but, when we watch the online replays of City Council meetings across this nation, it’s pretty amazing the things that come out of some politician’s mouths. And, when it comes to Destination Marketing Organizations, the questioning can be particularly fascinating.

In a recent incident, a Council member pressed a DMO CEO on why their agency’s convention sales goal hadn’t increased this year; that ROI of the City’s investment into the agency wasn’t evident. The CEO responded that, with a $700,000 decrease in the agency's budget, they felt it prudent to manage expectations.


I’m not one to say I told you so…but I’ve been saying it for well over a decade (so, I guess I just did). The nighttime economy (and especially music) should be a critical component of every community development strategy. And the Taylor Swift phenomenon proves it. There was a time we traveled to see things. Then we traveled to taste things. Now, we travel to experience. And that experience is increasingly music…and we have the internet to thank.


In our over 25 years of consulting Destination Marketing and Leadership Organizations, we’ve seen the best of the best…along with the ones that make us merely shake our heads in disbelief. Yeah, like the serial killer in those Geico commercials. And, here are the two markers we always see in underperforming Boards and DMOs that are in crisis mode. Ready?

Board meetings that are all about staff reporting, leaving precious little time for Board interaction and conversation. Yeah, I know that many CEOs prefer to script the meetings to the minute…but, trust us, that is not what your Board wants. And, at some point, they’ll push back.

The other is a laissez faire attitude toward Board Orientation, typically exemplified by the CEO telling us that they take a new recruit to lunch, have a nice conversation and hand them the Board Orientation Manual. Like there is a Powerball chance in hell that they’ll read it. Or, if they do, that they’ll understand the lexicon and nuance found within.


It’s always dangerous to base an argument on a single data point…but, it’s so tempting when it validates what one has been saying for years. And, as we celebrate 29 years of consulting in the Destination Marketing space, a new research finding looks mighty shiny to this sector veteran’s eyes.

Advance Travel & Tourism recently released results from their 2024 Travel Outlook Survey in which Destination Marketing Organizations were asked to name their top priorities. I know the study results could have been skewed by how the question was phrased or who actually participated in the survey. Indeed, the study was limited to just southeastern States in the U.S.

Skutniks - APR 2024

It started in 1982. Roughly 200 years after George Washington initiated the annual practice of the State of the Union Address (called the SOTU by insiders), then-President Ronald Reagan did something that hadn’t been done before…and has been repeated almost every year since. He called out somebody from the audience that was a fairly ordinary person who had done a pretty extraordinary thing.

Those individuals who are called out from the podium are often referred to as Skutniks, after Larry Skutnik who was recognized by President Reagan for pulling a survivor out of the Potomac in the aftermath of an airliner crash into DC’s 14th Street Bridge. Today, it’s not uncommon for Presidents to call out three or four Skutniks during their SOTU.


Over the holidays (I just love that week between Christmas and the New Year to catch up and stretch out), I discovered a series of notes I had taken during the run of BrandWorks University that was staged in Madison during the early years of this Millennium. One of our dearest friends on this planet (and a previous guest on DMOU) was the curator of this MBA-level immersion into all things marketing…and Marsha Lindsay was kind enough to let me sit in on the event during the years I wasn’t out on the road.

The Chamber Model - JAN 2024

Will 2024 be an existential moment for Chambers of Commerce, membership-dependent Destination Marketing Organizations and other community development agencies that require private sector investment?

They are coming for us - NOV 2023

I prophetically said it on stage during the 2015 Great Debates: “They’re coming for us.” And, they are.

Terri and I had the very real pleasure to hang with a retired DMO Pro over the Thanksgiving Weekend. Friends and co-conspirators for decades, our tongues didn’t tire in the over two hours we discussed and debated the world before us…and laughed at some of the silly stuff we and many of our friends had done over the years.

Bringing Our Community Partners to the Table - AUG 2023

There is rarely a Strategic Planning process we lead that doesn’t produce a community interest in more hotels, restaurants, retailers and nightspots. And yeah, anybody building a destination would love to have more of all of these assets. But, here’s the problem. Destination Marketing Organizations are generally not designed to possess the talent on staff to attract such businesses. Even if we did, where would we find these entrepreneurs? 


As much as we want to stall the inevitable, those of us on the back nine of life provide an interesting conundrum for Destination Marketers…as well as marketers and content creators in general. Boomers and Xers hold the majority of the world’s wealth. And, the first members of the Millennial generation are just 7 years from turning 50 (yikes).

BE BOLD - MAY 2023

As we shared in the Zeitgeist blog last month, the Sedona Chamber & Visitors Bureau has put City leadership on notice that it will not be renewing its contract with the City for Destination Marketing and Management services. In a year in which we’ve been hearing the phrase “be bold” used in many of our client communities, this is about as bold as a Destination Leadership Organization can be.


An industry friend messaged me the other day to say, “it’s silly season.” As in, State Legislatures are in session. One of the flare-ups is hardly a surprise. Florida’s House of Representatives has historically searched for ways to cripple or end Visit Florida. It's just who they are. But this time, the sheer audacity of some of these lawmakers is breathless in its scope.


There’s a scene from the 2005 Matthew McConaughey-Penelope Cruz movie Sahara that pretty much sums up the way the consortium of consultants behind the inaugural Board Leadership for Destinations Symposium felt as we made our way home from Irving last month. Fairly early in the movie, characters Dirk and Al are in a situation in which they need to “Pull a Panama” to survive (treat yourself). It’s not a spoiler to say they succeed and Dirk marvels at the result because…it had never been done before (but Dirk was sure it would work).

Building a Better Mousetrap - Jan 2023

How often have we all slammed our head against the same wall, thrown up our hands and said, “I’m not gonna do it anymore.” But, what did you expect was going to happen when you keep trying the same approach to the problem you were trying to solve? In our ongoing work around the country, we often witness these types of exasperated exclamations of frustration…and ever so imperceptibly shake our head like the serial killer in that Geico commercial. Because the answer seems so crystal to us…but continues to elude them.

One of the universal irritants for DMO pros is the lack of participation by events managers and local clubs in uploading their dates in the DMO’s Calendar of Events portal.

A New Years Wish - Dec 2022

As a young boy growing up on the far southside of Chicago (so far south that my town’s unofficial slogan was “it’s not the end of the world…but you can see it from there”), I would spend hours (if not days) crafting my wish list for Santa.

I haven’t as much time to invest in such an exercise this holiday season…though my list is no less important to how I’ll view the upcoming year as it was then. Unlike birthday wishes that are not to be revealed under punishment of disappointment, I think it’s OK to share holiday wish lists. Clearly Amazon thinks so…so, that must make it right.

So Santa? My wishes don’t involve supply chains and a lack of workforce to deliver. No, mine are the kind that may simply involve the deployment of your magic dust. So…here goes:

Board Leadership - Nov 2022

For most DMOs, organizational governance is provided by a Board of Directors. Whether appointed or self-selecting (or, hopefully, a mix), these are the community leaders that are expected to guide the sustainable growth of our destinations and organizations. But…do they? Can they?

In their breakthrough book on Board excellence (Race for Relevance), authors Harrison Coerver and Mary Byers suggest that Boards have become “part-time amateurs” when it comes to leading associations. Where Boards used to “call the shot,” today’s Boards often find themselves passively listening to staff reports without engaging in meaningful conversation about the future...and ultimately forfeiting their opportunity to leave a lasting mark on their community.

Evolving Old Tools - SEPT 2022

Netflix was a category killer when it burst on the scene in 1998…back in the days when one had to visit a physical store to rent a movie which, trust me if you never had the experience, sucked. But, it was the only option. Netflix solved that pain point by mailing your movie to you.

Of course, in time, that business model evolved into the streaming behemoth we know today. But, guess what? Netflix still mails DVDs to subscribers that still prefer old school…to the tune of $77 million in sales last Quarter. To be sure, mail sales are down 20% from the same period last year. But, it’s still $77 million. You want to choke off that kind or revenue and piss off loyal customers who may not have a stream-stable internet connection, but may in the future? Yeah…I didn’t think so.

Raison d’etre - JULY 2022

It means “reason for being.” I’ve always preferred the French version because it’s a more elegant way of expressing this exceptionally powerful concept. It’s also more fun to say…and I say it often in my work with destinations across the Americas.

Maybe I’m not hanging out with the right people, but I haven’t heard anyone else say “raison d’être” in conversation until this month’s DMOU podcast with 4VI CEO Anthony Everett. And then, just a couple days after recording that episode (which dropped yesterday), the English version popped up (a lot) in a book that I had somehow missed when it was released in 2011. The book is “Grow” by Jim Stengel.


The drive for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion has been on my mind a lot lately. Here’s hoping it has been for you, too. For only if it is, will the change that most of us claimed we desired when signing pledges and registering for webinars in 2020 come to pass.

We are faced with the challenge when we work with DMO Boards that are fully appointed. I completely understand why these arrangements may have made sense as a new DMO was launched, as government or Chamber control was believed to be necessary to keep an eye on those fledgling agencies. But today, operating with appointed Boards unintentionally conspires against diversity by typically placing nominating control in the hands of a very few (or a single individual). I’m not saying those leaders won’t be intentional about diversity…but, I doubt they’ll be as intentional as a DMO Board would be.


As some of you know, I was a player in the referendum battle to build the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Convention Center known as Monona Terrace in Madison WI. That win catalyzed the private sector in this city to flood into a downtown that was 50% vacant before the vote and transform the city’s core into a vibrant center of commerce and livability. We are approaching the 25th anniversary of opening the doors of this sensational community asset, which took me completely by surprise.


For most American DMOs, it was the imposition of hotel room taxes that powered our founding and programming in the ‘80s and ‘90s. As we were running with “hotel money,” it was a fairly expected concept that our job would be to fill their hotels. And thus, our goals were their goals: Room Nights.

Room night production has been a hallmark of attempting to prove a DMO’s work for decades…but is it still relevant? As we’ve advocated for other, more impactful, measurements to be embraced, we always assure hoteliers in our sessions that Room Nights are still important. But, like everything else today, are they?


There likely isn’t a day that passes in this world that someone doesn’t quote the inimitable Maura Gast

Powerful words. Eloquent phrases that have helped thousands of Destination Marketers explain the vital importance of our sector to those who have never bothered to connect the dots…but now can. An irresistible thesis that has engaged economic development interests in scores of communities to embrace the opportunity that the Visitor Economy offers their ongoing mission. And, as much as it has been mantra for so many for so long, we have recently detected the slightest of cracks in its veneer. And, while this “Circle of Life” will still resonate for the vast majority of us, as they say, your results may differ.

The Great Reassessment - Dec 2021

Destination Marketers hit the “Pause Button” in 2020 and our communities have been rocked by “The Great Resignation” in 2021. As we approach 2022, are DMOs on the verge of “The Great Reassessment?”

Last week on our blog (you can subscribe here), we shared that we had a fascinating conversation with a resort GM that reported that this has been his biggest year in history. And, they broke records without international travel…previously a pretty significant part of their business. He also said that his customer base was primarily drive consumers with very limited domestic air business.


If Destination Marketing Organizations were advertising agencies, what the Mayor and City Council of Duluth MN recently did would have made perfect sense. Don’t like the creative? Go to RFP and find a new agency. Happens all the time. Except, DMOs are not ad agencies…and to replace a DMO with an agency (which happened this summer in Duluth) is akin to replacing an accomplished heart surgeon with a first year resident. Would you be willing to take that risk? Apparently, the City of Duluth is. There are a number of lessons learned here with which anyone leading a DMO should familiarize themselves:


For attendees, it was a week of pure joy. Reconnecting with old friends and discovering new compadres was exciting. Exploring Baltimore was magical. Al Hutchinson and the Visit Baltimore Team were magnificent hosts. And, the content of the Annual Convention continues to point a path forward for our sector.


A couple months ago, I was hanging online with 25 DMO pros discussing the future, post-VID viability of Visitor Information Centers. One of the participants indicated that her Board was of the mind to sell theirs and use the money to jump start their recovery marketing. I had presided over a similar conversation during a Strategic Planning Workshop just a week before. Once a de rigueur fixture of virtually every DMO, is the VIC becoming an endangered species?


Those that have seen us present on the critical value of Destination Marketing to a community’s vibrancy and success may remember that we take our audiences down a path. Tourism is Jobs. Tourism is the First Date for Economic Development. Tourism (as Mark Twain said) is fatal to prejudice and bigotry. And, that Tourism is Taxes. Lots of Taxes.


I’m a Midwest boy. And, while we have to deal with tornados and floods, the vast majority of Midwesterners have never truly lived through either. I’ve never lived on a coastline decimated by a hurricane. I’ve never lived out west and experienced fires that annihilate neighborhoods and livelihoods.


We need to reassess how we are communicating the value of DMOs...because it’s still not getting through. And, I’m becoming more convinced we need to take the concept of being a Community Shared Value....and go even further. Today, I’m reflecting upon a video conversation with Sanjay Sood of the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

The end of 2020 - Dec 2020

Traditionally, this is the time of the season when many of us would reflect fondly on the year just past as we look to the New Year. This year, many of us will look back in anger, sorrow and disgust. However, permit me to break ranks with those who do…for, I will be looking back with pride at a Destination Marketing sector that pivoted on a dime to race to the aid of their hospitality and community partners.

Significance, Signals and Sensitivity - NOV 2020

Not unlike you, we’ve had lots of opportunities over the past 8 months to be part of Zoom calls that challenged us, informed us…and some that inspired us. And, those are the ones that prompt this edition of the Z-News. Two of the trinity of ideas we’ll share today came from futurists that we follow (and you should too). And, they all start with the letter “S.”


Boxer Mike Tyson (am I really quoting Mike Tyson?) famously said “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” The Destination Marketing sector has been punched in the mouth. And, we’ve taken a fair number of hits to the body. And, a few below the belt sucker punches. We hurt…but cannot give up. Some of us are clinging to the ropes. A handful have been ruled TKO. And the future for many of us is unsure and ominous.


In the classic 1996 movie Jerry Maguire, the lead character, played by Tom Cruise, experiences a moment of clarity in which he recognizes that the way he and his peers have been operating their business is fundamentally flawed. He writes and distributes a 25-page memo entitled “The Things We Think and Do Not Say: The Future of Our Business.” The next morning, as he walks into the office he helped create, fellow agents and support staff stand and applaud his words, vision and passion. Within hours, he’s fired. This moment in time feels a bit like Jerry Maguire for us at DMOproz. We may be congratulated and called visionary by those who read the manifesto we release today. And, hopefully we won’t be shunned after rocking the sacred boat called “The Way We’ve Always Done It.”


As the protests raged last month, I had a serendipitous conversation with Searchwide Global’s Mike Gamble. We were discussing some of the current CEO searches they were managing and we began talking about the Boards with whom we both engage; his firm with Executive Searches and ours with Strategic Planning. As we discussed what we saw that worked (and what didn’t), we began to zero in on Board Diversity…or, indeed, the lack thereof.


If I had a Franklin for every pundit who has suggested that strategic plans are now worthless, I could buy a boat. Indeed, I was beginning to get sucked into the vortex, pondering what I should do for my clients who had completed their Strategic Plans with us over the past year. In preparation for just such a phone call a few weeks ago, I pulled out one of the Plans we had facilitated earlier this year. Interestingly, most of the goals and objectives still rang true. Indeed, some more loudly demanded action than in the pre-COVID world. I started pulling other clients’ Plans and found the same thing. Most of the goals were as relevant now as when the Board approved them. Maybe not the "Destination Development" Goal... but the rest cried out for action.


For years, DMOs have been viewed as acquisition bait for opportunistic Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development agencies searching for new revenue streams. Under the guise of streamlining like-community development functions and eliminating duplicative administrative waste, it always sounds reasonable on the surface…but, in practice, the advantage is rarely realized in the end.


Those that have seen my presentations on Political Advocacy know that I typically invoke the classic Bill Murray film, “Groundhog Day.” For the handful who may have never had the experience, the movie revolves around Murray’s character being forced to relive Groundhog Day over and over in a never-ending loop. I use the concept behind the picture to drive home the point that Advocacy is never a one-and-done thing. One needs to believe they are in Punxsutawney and realize that what they said yesterday is lost to the wind. The message needs to be repeated over and over…like Groundhog Day.


Skift’s Rafat Ali said, “(March 14th will always be remembered as) The Day the World Stopped Traveling.” I think we’ll just move that marker a day later and call it the Ides of March (and then, have a '70s song stuck in our heads). We saw the signs two weeks earlier. We were in a community, interviewing resort managers when the cascading cancellations of conventions began. Slowly at first…then progressing much more rapidly. The NCAA. The NBA. The MLB. The momentum was absolutely frightening.

 But, when we come out of this nightmare (and we will), we will have the attention of policymakers across this nation. For the first time, America will understand the value of Tourism to its economy. It’s something that virtually every other country on this planet appreciates. Now, America will finally understand.


The more things change, the more they stay the same. One of our first newsletters included a column called “Boards From Hell” in which we would (anonymously, of course) chronicle the pitfalls befalling DMOs that had Board Members that didn’t understand their role or had a significant conflict of interest (and sometimes both). Thankfully, over two and a half decades, we’ve been able to help lots of Boards be bigger and better than they ever envisioned through our Board Workshops, Strategic Planning sessions and the book Destination Leadership. But, as far as we’ve all come, it’s maddening to see some of the same challenges continue to bedevil DMOs, as effective Board Governance faces diabolical new challenges (and a few of the old ghosts) at what seems like every turn.


Bridging the weeks between Thanksgiving and the end of the year Holidays, we reflect back on where we’ve been, the people with whom we’ve engaged and the destinations that we have assisted. It’s been a great year. Thanks to the readers of our blog and Z-News; you encourage us through your comments and clicks. And, thanks to those that have joined us for the resurrection of; we love sharing your stories with the world. And, in the spirit of sharing, we’re reprising our habit of recommending the books that inspired our thinking this year:


I’ve shared that I often experience moments where a word or a concept seems to randomly pop with magical frequency. Indeed, sometimes it’s a word that so powerfully evokes the zeitgeist that it seeps into common vernacular (like “intentional” has over the past 18 months). Sometimes it is the rapid acceptance and adoption of a concept (like the recent embracement, by scores of DMO professionals, of Destinations International’s Jack Johnson’s suggestion that Destination Marketing should be viewed as a “Shared Community Value”).


The next Presidential election is over a year away…and yet, the tempestuous drama of the Democratic Party’s Debate season is in full swing. For some states, we’re rolling into high election season, with some votes just weeks away. The reality: it’s always election season everywhere, all the time. From the day the results are certified, people are strategizing ways to hold or usurp power. And, for those in the increasingly politicized world of Destination Marketing, that means there is no off-season for our engagement with those who wield power and those who covet it.


Since returning from a great week in St. Louis and Destinations International’s Annual Convention, I’ve spent a considerable amount of time pondering the philosophical evolution behind the art, science and critical importance of Destination Marketing and development. Indeed, it’s what I’ve been calling “Destination Leadership” for over 15 years.

I lost count of the number of our peers that nudged Terri or me during or after the more philosophical sessions at the Convention and intoned, “you’ve been saying that for years.” While true, the person that says something first isn’t nearly as important as the person that says it next. And next. And next. If you’re not familiar with this concept, click HERE.


The Professional Development “season” really never stops for DMO pros…but, it’s about to kick into high gear with the Annual Convention of Destinations International in a couple weeks. ESTO follows in August and the Upper Midwest CVB Fall Conference in September. Destinations International’s Affinity Summits dot the calendar…and no fewer than seven State Tourism Conferences are scheduled (as is the inaugural TravelAbility Summit) through November. Lots of learning (and even more networking)…which means a lot of storytelling among the professionals whose very job it is to tell compelling stories about what makes their communities attractive. And, that’s why we try to make as many conferences as our schedule permits. Because, as much as our clients and audiences look to us to share stories of successes and missteps, we are thirsty to hear new stories as we all build upon the work of those that went before us.


It happened again recently, as I worked with a DMO Board grappling with a dilemma. The debate rolled for a few minutes until I innocently asked, “why would you do that?" (knowing full well why they were considering it). Almost in unison, three Board members exclaimed, “Exactly!” Which caused the rest of the Board to sit up and question their own position on the proposal on the table. Without the “why” question, the majority of the Board could have simply nodded their heads and gone along. When those three members vocalized what everyone in the room was thinking, it set up a fascinating shift in critical thinking that wouldn’t have happened if somebody hadn’t asked, “why?”


It happens every couple years. As much as the DMO’s Board Members are nodding in unison as I, early in our workshop, explain the difference between a “Strategic Plan” and the “Marketing / Business Plan,” somebody pushes back when they receive the draft. These well-meaning Board members believe the Strategic Plan they have just created is designed to direct staff…but, the plans we help create only include staff in a support role when it comes to community outreach (and occasionally locating some industry research the Board would struggle to find on its own). A Strategic Plan is the Board’s Action Plan. The Marketing / Business Plan is the professional Staff’s Action Plan.


I believe that the primary success of a DMO going forward will not be measured in Room Nights but in community engagement. And, that engagement only comes from boots on the ground, building mutually beneficial relationships while gathering and uploading fresh content from industry partners. So, it was with a “hell yeah” that I read a post from Simpleview’s Vicki Doyle (formerly with Visit Tucson) called, “What I Wish I Knew: Insights from a 20-Year Membership Professional.”


If I had a Franklin for every time a veteran Board member has told me that they were stunned to learn all the things in which their DMO was involved, well…let’s just say that I’d be taking a lot more vacations. And, there would likely be fewer DMO meltdowns, as engaged and articulate Board members would maintain interactive relations with government officials and community leaders. They’d never allow the kind of insanity we are seeing around the country where an increasing number of governments are putting their Destination Marketing contracts up for bid to ad agencies and DMOs from other States. Such sensationally insipid ideas would never get enough traction to make it out the door with a connected and communicative Board.


We were honored to be a participant in Destinations International’s Advocacy Summit in Philadelphia last month. And, if you have a role in communicating the value of the Visitor Economy and Destination Marketing to your community, you should include this event in your budget next year. At the very least, you should read the Policy Brief from Destinations International entitled “The New Tourism Lexicon: Rewriting Our Industry’s Narrative.”

You’ll learn that it is the word “community” that has been found to be one of the most resonant words in communicating what we do in Destination Marketing. Not “area” or “region.” Not “destination.” Just “community.” And, when you think about it…it is a powerful word, conjuring up a sense of belonging to the collective; being a part of a greater neighborhood. And, for those that don’t understand (or have chosen to ignore) the power of the Visitor Economy, using the word “community” in our communications is like Kryptonite. It’s easy to dismiss “destination.” Not so easy to dismiss “community.”


In the past year or so, I’ve seen the following in our news feeds: An Economic Development Director that uses misdirection to suggest that a merger with the CVB and Chamber is the “new normal.” We’ve seen a small town City Council almost get bamboozled by a resort owner into altogether eliminating their Room Tax. A small Airport Authority that wants to use Room Tax money to subsidize commercial flights recently announced that they were going to establish an Air Service Convention and Visitors Bureau (an ASCVB, if you will). A City Council puts its DMO contract up for bid to see if they can garner a higher ROI. But there is so much more...